Meet Our FiberFriend Yasmenda

1. What is your name and where are you from?

My name is Yasmenda McCoy and I’m from Brooklyn.

2. What is your craft? How long have you been crafting? And how did you learn?

I design and create earrings with thread and yarn. My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 5 and over the years I taught myself and learned a lil more.

3. What is your favorite project?

My favorite project today is the Marsala Shawl. I think my favorite thing is whatever I am working on at the time. I’m a new knitter.

4. Who is your crafting inspiration?

I can honestly say all my peoples: GGMADEIT (Instagram), Felicia Eve, my best friend Stacey, Cutiesudy (Instagram), and Gettingpurlywithit (Instagram). They all are so remarkable and they make beautiful things.

5. What advice would you give a crafter who has just begun her crafting journey?

Don’t might do it. Do it with all of your might.

6. How can we connect with you?

Username Designsbyyasmen on all social media platforms.

Thank you for sharing Yasmenda!

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